Superintendent's Update November 6, 2016

Post date: Nov 7, 2016 1:43:25 PM

Congratulations to 2016 Superintendent’s Award Recipient - Brendan Ryan Tobin Brendan R. Tobin.jpg

I am pleased to announce Brendan Tobin as the 2016 Superintendent’s Award recipient. Mr. Tobin is the son of Thomas and Carolyn Tobin. During his four years at LHS Brendan excelled in honors and advanced placement coursework. He has been the President of the Class of 2017 since 9th grade. Many know Brendan from his speeches at the groundbreaking, topping off ceremony, and most recently the dedication ceremony. He is a poised, humble, and well-spoken young man who represented his school and classmates extremely well.

In addition to his high academic performance, his time at Lunenburg High School focused on service and leadership. Brendan is very active in the Scouting program. He achieved Eagle Scout in 2015. His Eagle project focused on planning, fundraising and construction of a little league scoreboard. He is a member of the BSA National Honor Society and a Board Member and treasurer of the Order of the Arrow. He served the BSA organization as an instructor, senior patrol leader, crew and patrol leader as well as camp counselor and lifeguard.

In addition to his rigorous course of studies, Brendan is a member of the National Honor Society. He serves as a member of the World Hunger Task Force. Brendan is an athlete and member of the cross country and baseball teams and during the winter season he is an avid snowboarder.

Last summer he participated in the Bioengineering Summer Scholars Program at Clemson University. He was part of the Biology Summer Launch Program at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 2014. Brendan received numerous academic excellence awards while attending LHS including receiving magna cum laude and silver medal on National Latin Exams. He has also been a member of the LHS Mathematics Team since he was a freshman.

Brendan has been a Player Buddy to handicapped children since 2012 in the Miracle League of Massachusetts. He even finds time to be a Lector for his church and has been part of their youth ministry service.

I am honored to recognize this accomplished young man as the recipient of the 2016 Superintendent’s Award. He will be honored by the Worcester County Superintendent’s Association at a special ceremony in January at Clark University. He selected the following quote from Colin Powell for that ceremony’s program: "Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence". I extend my congratulations and best wishes to Brendan and his family.

Thanks for Joining Us!

Thank you to everyone that came out the last couple of weekends for the Dedication Ceremony and Homecoming. Those were both wonderful community events. In the next few days we’ll be updating the District website and Facebook pages with photos and videos from those two important events.

Thank You Veterans

Friday, November 11 is Veteran’s Day, so please join us in thanking those who have served and defended our nation and democracy. Take a moment to remember the sacrifices of the courageous men and women who have valiantly fought to make America the land of the free and home of the brave.

Lifelong Learning Advisory Members Appointed

The School Committee appointed the following individuals to the Lifelong Learning Advisory: Jennifer Judkins, Abigail Perrine, Mandy Trainque, Richard Beardmore, Anne Gilman, Robert Truax and Wendy Bertrand. Meetings of the Advisory will be posted, minutes recorded, and posted at the Town website. The Advisory has the following charge: To develop and implement an adult education program to benefit the Lunenburg Community. The program is meant to be self-sustaining and have a neutral impact on the School’s budget. A final report will be issued in May, 2017. Please contact the Superintendent’s office if you have ideas and suggestions for the Advisory.

Lunenburg Public Schools – Facilities Fees: Public Comment Welcome

At the last meeting of the School Committee a proposal for increases to facility use fees were reviewed by Mr. Londa. The recommendations are posted on the main page of our website . The School Committee will take action on the fees at their November 16, 2016 meeting. Please send questions or comments to

Lunenburg Social Studies Curriculum Revised – Public Comment Welcome

The first reading of the updated social studies curriculum was presented to the School Committee for first reading on Wednesday. High School educator Ms. Anna Keegan served as chairperson and facilitator of the task force that included educators from across the district. They produced an exciting and inspiring document. Thank you to everyone that contributed. The document is available for public review and comment. You can find a link to this report on the main page of our website. Send questions or comments

PTO Meets next week on Monday, November 14, 2016. You are invited to attend the meeting. Thank you for supporting this organization. The PTO makes a difference in our schools and community and we are grateful. The meeting is at the Lunenburg Middle-High School in the Middle School Collaborative Room #D132.

School Committee meets again on Wednesday, November 16, 2016. FY18 proposed budget presentations begin with presentations from nursing, maintenance, technology, and athletics programs.


Superintendent Loxi Jo Calmes

Lunenburg Public Schools

1025 Massachusetts Ave.

(978) 582-4100 x211

(978) 582-4103 fax